Analytics - Optix coworking software feature

Visualize your performance

You need data to make decisions. Optix Analytics show you how your coworking business is performing across a variety of business verticals, all from a single dashboard.

  • Forecast Membership Plan revenue by location
  • Measure popular times with Check-in heat maps 
  • Visualize account growth over time
"I need support and I need experts who know the technology and are willing to push and purvey the very best in what you do in your space. And I think we've got that as a partner in Optix.”
Analytics - Optix coworking software feature

Measure the success of your space

Use your own data to set realistic business KPIs for your coworking business. Custom filter your graphs to fit your needs. Track your success against your benchmarks over time.

No more guessing on how your business is doing – with Optix Analytics, you’ll always know.

Analytics - Optix coworking software feature

Improve your space over time

Your business is evolving. Use the Analytics collected in Optix to better understand the needs of your users and improve your space over time. Trustworthy Analytics means you can remain agile and change as your business needs evolve.

Start your 14-day free trial today, no credit card required.

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Robust Analytics for data-driven teams

Make informed decisions, and optimize your coworking business

Export reports

Easily export your reports for robust analysis outside of platform

Filter by source

Filter your data by source for better understanding of your business

Customize data reports

Create custom data reports based on the data you need

Check-in heat map

Visualize how people are using your space with a Check-in heat map

Revenue growth and forecasting

Predict your revenue growth with Optix forecasting tools

Resource utilization

Understand how your resources are being used

Bring your tech stack together

Integrate with your favorite tools to better understand your business


Analytics can track member behavior by analyzing data such as space utilization, peak hours of occupancy, and member preferences. This information allows you to adapt your offerings based on member needs and improve the overall member experience.

By analyzing usage patterns and occupancy rates, coworking software Analytics like that in Optix can identify underutilized spaces and peak usage times. This information enables you to optimize space allocation, improve facility layout, and enhance overall workspace efficiency.

Optix offers data on a number of different important and valuable metrics for coworking space owners and operators including gross revenue, active users, new plan subscriptions, account growth, average booking duration, check-ins, hours booked, and more.

Optix offers reports on all metrics mentioned above and more. For a full list of reports available in Optix, visit the Help Centre.

Learn how Optix can transform your business