Promote perks, member benefits, and discounts
Showcase Member Perks

Display member benefits on the home screen of your mobile app for easy advertisement and promotion.
As an admin, you can add or hide a Perk at any time from your dashboard.
See which coworking benefits users redeem the most. Data and analytics give you insight into how many people redeemed a benefit, how often, and on what day.
Use this data to measure the strength of different partnerships and make better-informed decisions on what members will value most.
Member benefits are an opportunity to serve them better. With the Perks app, users can see what discounts and promos are available to them, right on their phone.
Easily identifiable benefits can improve member retention and ultimately improve the experience of your members.
A perk (also known as a member benefit, promo, discount, or deal) is a unique benefit that is offered exclusively to your coworking community. They are often ongoing offers that are set up with local brands and businesses as a mutually beneficial way of marketing your services.
There are many benefits to offering member perks or discounts including increased member retention, opening an additional marketing channel, attracting new customers to your space, and building relationships with local businesses in your community.
With the Perks app in Optix, you can manage all perks in a single view including active, inactive, and hidden perks, create perks with multiple unique codes or a single use code or link, measure how often perks are being “revealed” by users, download perk usage reports, and more. Learn more about the Perks app.