Automations X issue reporting

Automate issue reporting

Address issues in your community as soon as they arise. Automatically create a task to follow-up with any reported issues to build trust with your users and create a culture of reliability.

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Automate issue reporting in coworking spaces

Make reporting issues easy

When an issue pops up, you need to address it quickly. Issue Reporting makes it easy for members to report issues on the fly using their mobile device.

Members will be prompted to let you know what needs to be fixed and where. You’ll be notified immediately via email of any issues that need your attention.

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“Optix is one of the few integrated solutions that does everything well.” 
Automate issue reporting in coworking spaces

Improve your response time

Tackle issues as they arise. You’ll be notified immediately via email of any issue as soon as it’s been reported.

The faster you address your user’s concerns, the better an experience they’ll have.

Automate issue reporting in coworking spaces

Stay organized

Integrate Optix with your favorite support software and keep track of your team’s tickets. Any issues that a member submits will get sent to your issue management system to help manage tasks.

Easy-to-use reporting flow

Issue Reporting simplifies communication with members.

  • Select the problem category
  • Take a picture of it in the space
  • Pin the location of where it exists
  • Add any notes to make it easier to address

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Address issues as they arise

Solve issues in the space faster, without the headache

Opt in/out

Toggle Issue Reporting on or off for your organization 

Specify resource

Understand exactly what resource is affected

Specify location

Mark exactly where an issue has occurred

Add image

Give members that option to add an image to a report

Simple defaults

Quick and easy defaults make Issue Reporting a breeze


Be notified via email or the Optix dashboard when issues arise

Bring your tech stack together

Integrate Optix with the tools you love for easier issue reporting


Issue Reporting is a feature in your coworking app that enables members to easily report issues in the space to admin. This could be an empty coffee container, a broken chair, or a TV not working in a meeting room.

By automating issue reporting, you and your team can easily keep track of any problems in your space, so that they can be addressed quickly and easily.

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