
How to Write a Winning Coworking Business Plan

Learn how to write a comprehensive business plan in the coworking sector
By Kelly K
September 6, 2024
How to write a coworking business plan

Here’s a mistake we see far too often: aspiring coworking owners and operators starting their business without a clear plan for how their space is going to make money.

This is where a business plan comes in. 

A well-crafted business plan for your coworking space can help you make decisions and give you the confidence you need to succeed. 

It’s the best way to map out your business strategy and how you intend on making money.

And truthfully, writing a coworking business plan is a lot easier than you think.

What is a coworking business plan?

A coworking business plan is a document that outlines exactly how you will start your coworking space and reach profitability. If you are applying for a loan or looking to receive funding, then a business plan is not just a formality, it’s a necessity. 

For those who aren’t looking for funding, a business plan is still an excellent way of making sure you have a viable business before opening your doors.

The benefits of a well-crafted business plan for your coworking space

Having a business plan for your coworking space (or any business for that matter) gives you a greater chance of overall success. It can also:

  • Support you in receiving a loan or funding
  • Help guide long-term strategy and planning
  • Be useful when making important business decisions

Plan for success in your coworking space with Optix

Woman in coworking space

Here is another way of looking at it. Let’s say Steve wants to start a coworking space. He finds a property to rent in his area and starts building out the space. He looks at some of the other coworking spaces in the area and uses it to inform what he offers and how he prices it. 

But when he finally opens his door…crickets.

Because Steve didn’t have a business plan in place, he did not consider:

  • Who he is targeting
  • Whether this location is a good fit for his market
  • If the products he is offering are interesting to his target audience
  • How he will acquire his first members
  • If the cost of his services are be enough to be profitable on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis

You don’t just need a plan when starting a business however. You’ll also want to consider creating a business plan when you are looking to grow or expand your coworking business, as your business needs may change slightly from when you first opened your space.

People working in coworking space

The 9 components of a coworking space business plan

Business plans are pretty standard, regardless of the industry. The typical components of the best coworking business plan are:

  1. Executive Summary: summary of the document in its entirety
  2. Company Description: description of your company including the mission statement and objectives
  3. Market Analysis: write-up of the market, both local and more broadly
  4. Competitive Analysis: deep dive into your competitors, both local and more broadly
  5. Description of Management and Organization: outline your team and how the organization will operate together
  6. Breakdown of your Products and Services: description of what you will be selling
  7. Marketing and Sales Strategy: how you plan to market your space and acquire customers
  8. Financial Projections: a breakdown of your finances and your path to profitability
  9. Fundraising Strategy/Sources: how you will fund your business

Each section should be roughly 1-3 pages long (remember, more does not necessarily equal better). Optimize for clarity and completeness, while still being concise. This article from Harvard Business Review is an excellent guide to creating a general business plan that can be applied to many different industries.

Women working on laptops in a coworking space

How to write the BEST coworking business plan

Let’s look at each section and break down how to write the very best business plan for the coworking industry.

1. Executive Summary

The executive summary is a one-page overview that summarizes your entire business plan at a high level. It should cover: 

  • Who you are
  • The business you’ll be creating
  • How you’ll make money
  • etc.

Our best tip is to write your executive summary last. Much like an introductory paragraph of an essay, it will be easier if you wait to write it until everything else is complete.

2. Company Description

Think of your company description as the “About” page of your business plan. Here, you’ll describe three important components of your business.

  1. Mission Statement

Why are you starting your coworking space? What do you hope your space will be able to achieve in the broader community? Consider your purpose for creating the space and weave it into your mission statement.

For Optix client Jason Jet, Founder at Grindhaus Studios, his mission is to give artists the tools and access they need to be able to scale what they do in an economical way. This guides how he makes all major decisions for his business. 

  1. History

If you’re a brand new space, the history of your company may cover your personal resume and the skills you’ve acquired that will help you be successful in your role as a coworking space owner and operator. 

If you’re expanding your business, then the history will cover the history of your business up to that point, including all major milestones and successes.

Consider this section an opportunity to build the confidence needed to be successful in your business.

  1. Objectives

The biggest difference between your mission statement and your objectives is: your mission statement maps out why you do what you do, and the objectives map out what you hope to accomplish on a more tactical level.

Let’s take Jason as an example. If his mission statement is to give artists the tools they need to be successful, then his objective would be to create the number one coworking space for musical artists in the United States.

Learn more about Jason and how he’s powering his coworking + recording studio with Optix.

Overall, keep your company description clear and concise, and don’t get too bogged down in the details. The mission statement could be two or three lines, and the history and objectives can easily be addressed through bullet points or brief paragraphs.

3. Market Analysis

Your market analysis will outline key facts and findings about the coworking market you’ll be playing in. This includes the local market and the coworking sector more broadly. 

This is a very important step in creating your coworking business strategy. It’s something you’ll want to do even if you’re writing a formal business plan. 

Here’s our best advice for a successful market analysis:

  • Look for reports from reputable sources in the industry, such as the Deskmag annual Global Coworking survey, to get important facts and figures related to the industry
  • Find communities online, like the We Run Flex community, where operators are discussing coworking trends and challenges
  • Talk to local operators and gauge their experience and perspective on the industry

Some important elements to talk about are the growth of the market, current overall trends, and your target customer and how you came to that conclusion.

For example, based on your market analysis, you found that remote workers are making up 20% of coworking space occupants with that number expected to increase. Therefore, you intend to target your coworking space towards remote workers in your area.

Another tip for this section (and your business plan overall) – support all facts and findings with credible sources. If ever a question on where a number comes from pops up, be sure you are able to back it up.

4. Competitive Analysis

The competitive analysis of your business plan breaks down the competitors in your market. You’ll want to focus specifically on coworking spaces and flexible workspaces in the area where your business will be located, as well as broader competitors that may be a potential threat.

Let’s say Georgia is opening a coworking space in her home town of Vancouver. In her competitive analysis, she’ll want to mention all of the coworking spaces in Vancouver and how she will differentiate herself, as well as large coworking brands that are expected to move into Vancouver in the near future.

Your competitive analysis is ultimately about mapping out exactly how you will win when pitted against other spaces. 

A quick mention…

Many coworking space owners and operators don’t like to think of themselves as having “competitors”. Collaboration can (and does) exist in the coworking sector, and many operators enjoy sharing their knowledge with others. However, understanding the other coworking spaces in your area is critical to understanding the viability of your business and should not be overlooked.

5. Description of Management and Organization

The description of management and organization section is an opportunity to describe the team of people you will have working with you, with a focus on their credibility and why they will help you be successful.

Many of our clients start as a team of one or two. If this is the case for you, highlight how you will ensure success in the absence of a larger team.

This could be a good opportunity to mention the coworking technology you will use to help you streamline operations and automate your space. Coworking automation software like Optix takes care of many of the day-to-day operations so that you can be successful with a leaner team.

Automating as many aspects of the day-to-day operations as possible can help reduce the need for more bodies in your space. This section is a great opportunity to expand into these details.

6. Breakdown of Your Products and Services

In your products and services breakdown, you’ll want to describe what you’re selling. For coworking businesses, this may look like:

  • The core products you’ll offer (hot desking, drop-ins, private offices, virtual offices)
  • Other additional services (childcare, marketplace, etc.)
  • Amenities and add-ons
  • Opportunity for after-hour event rentals or events in your coworking space

Finding the right mix of products to drive profitability can be a challenge for new operators. We always recommend approaching it from a point of experimentation –  start with something and iterate quickly.

We also have a comprehensive guide to coworking membership plans if you’re looking for inspiration on what kinds of plans to offer and how to price them. All of this will be helpful in determining the breakdown of your products and services in your business plan.

7. Marketing and Sales Plan

Your marketing and sales plan should give a high-level overview of your overall customer acquisition strategy.

Marketing your space is a beast in and of itself, with a lot of pieces to figure out. To help you out, we wrote a comprehensive guide to marketing your coworking space that includes 23 marketing ideas for you to refer to that you can use as a starting point.

The best advice we’ve heard is that your marketing strategy should be centered around your customer – who they are, what messaging will resonate with them, and where you can reach them online and in-person. 

Don’t know who your customer is? We wrote a guide to finding your coworking ICP, too.

8. Financial Projections

Create a clear and accurate picture as to how much revenue you think you will be able to generate in your first years of business. Investors want to see opportunities for growth, so make sure your numbers are increasing, while remaining realistic.

Revenue projections is an imperfect science, but there are good places to start. The Coworking Growth Calculator by Coworking Resources can help you in creating some realistic financial projections, while giving you a better idea as to how much you can expect to make from your space.

9. Fundraising Strategy/Sources

Finally, the last section of your business plan is dedicated to how you will fund your coworking space. 

If you have received any funding up to this point, you’ll need to disclose the information for transparency. If you are seeking funding, use this section as an opportunity to outline your strategy including how much you are seeking.

A business plan can be a powerful tool in growing a successful coworking space. However, they will only get you so far. This article does a great job at outlining the pros and cons of business plans if you’re curious on what your plan can (and can’t) do for you. 

Remember, the success of your business will ultimately come down to the execution and implementation of your plan. Don’t treat your business plan like an end-all be-all. We’ve seen a wide variety of clients succeed after changing their plan significantly. Execution is the name of the game when it comes to growing a successful business, and it’s best not to lose sight of this.

Woman on phone creating a business plan

5 more tips for writing a business plan for a coworking space

Ready to get started with crafting the perfect business plan? Here are five more tips to help you create a cohesive plan for your coworking space – from start to finish.

1. Always start with your research

The research you do around the market and your competitors should be the basis of your entire business strategy. You can’t know where to open and who to target without understanding the market first.

Here’s a few questions you should be able to answer after doing your research:

  • What is the size of the market?
  • What is the growth trajectory?
  • What are trends in the industry?
  • What is the primary demographic that it serves?
  • Who are your direct competitors?
  • How big are they (number of members, locations and revenue)?
  • Who do they serve?
  • What is their messaging and positioning?
  • How do they differentiate themselves?

Coworking Resources has a great comprehensive guide on how to conduct a competitive analysis specifically in the coworking industry that’s a great reference if you’re looking for a framework to start off with. 

2. Crowdsource knowledge from the community

The wonderful thing about the coworking community is how willing people are to share their knowledge with one another.

If you’re feeling lost on where to start with your business plan, consider reaching out to a coworking operator who has opened a successful space in the past. 

You can also look at other successful coworking businesses and take inspiration from them as to their:

Every space is different, but gathering insight from other coworking spaces that have been successful can be a great place to start.

3. Think about who is receiving the business plan and what is important to them

As you go through the process of creating a business plan, you may find yourself becoming unfocused. How can I include so much information in so little words?

Put yourself in the shoes of who is going to be receiving your plan. 

Who are they? What do they care about? What information are they hoping to receive from your document?

Use this to help tailor your coworking business plan to fit their specific needs.

Pay special attention to the things that are going to drive business results including:

  • Market research (is there room in the market to be successful)
  • Competitor research (how saturated is the space and how will you differentiate yourself)
  • Products and services (what is your business model and how will it generate revenue)
  • Financial projections (is your business able to grow and scale over time)

Read your entire business plan from start to finish through the eyes of who it is intended for before submitting it.

4. Be conservative with your numbers

It’s easy to get excited with your numbers. You need to show that your business is going to succeed and you want the numbers to back it up.

The problem with overestimating projections is that it can set you up for a tremendous amount of stress later on if your business fails to meet expectations.

It’s best practice when creating a business plan to always be conservative with your numbers and remain realistic in your expectations. This includes:

  • Financial forecasts
  • Market size
  • KPIs

This article outlines ten common mistakes people make when creating a business plan…including being unrealistic with numbers and forecasts.

It’s always better to underpromise and overdeliver.

5. Set measurable objectives

Throughout your business plan, you will want to make sure you are creating clear KPIs and objectives to drive your business forward.

One way of creating measurable objectives is by following the SMART goal framework. SMART goals are goals that are:

  • Specific (narrow enough to be achieved)
  • Measurable (quantitative)
  • Attainable (realistic in the given time frame)
  • Relevant (furthers your overall business goals)
  • Time-based (can be measured in an amount of time)

Here’s how to apply the SMART goal framework to your coworking business plan.

Marketing Objective: Acquire 50 new hot desk users in the first 6 months

Management Objective: Hire a part time community manager in the first 60 days of opening

Measurable goals can help move your business forward and ensure you’re staying on track to achieve them.

Plan for success in your coworking business

At the end of the day, a plan will only get you so far. Focus on executing on the plan and remaining flexible in order to ensure you’re giving yourself the greatest opportunity to succeed.

Looking to start a coworking business and want to choose the best coworking software for your business? Learn more about Optix and how it can help you grow a successful coworking business by connecting with a member of our team today.