
What’s New in Optix: June 2017

Learn about what we’ve added to Optix during the month of June!
By The Optix Team
July 4, 2017
Whats new in Optix : June 2017

In the last few weeks, we’ve put our focus into packing your mobile apps chock full of great new features. In addition to mobile updates, you’ll also find we’ve added a few improvements to the management venue dashboard, too. Read on to learn more.

For your members: Review plan details

Whats new in Optix : June 2017

Within your mobile app, members will find a new ‘Plans’ section. Here, they’ll be able to accept pending plan requests and review how much of their allowance they have left in a given month with a few quick taps on their phone.

For your members: Team admins can update their team in-app

Whats new in Optix : June 2017

We’ve added key functionality for teams into the mobile app. Team admins will be able to create their team, add/remove members, change the designated team admin, and manage payment methods. This means added autonomy for teams and less for you to do as a venue manager. Can you say win/win?

For managers: Export user details as a .csv

From within the venue dashboard, export all of your Optix users (or a specific group) with a few simple clicks. This makes it easy to keep a hard copy of your member’s details, gather details to set up your first coworking community newsletter, and more!

For your members: Update your email and push notification preferences

Whats new in Optix : June 2017

Your members can choose exactly which notifications they’d like to receive and how they’d like to receive them, all from within their mobile app. Plain and simple.

For both: Report a venue issue (coming soon!)

Report an issue in your coworking space

We’re gearing up to launch an exciting new feature: Report Issue. Here, members will be able to share with their venue admin issues they find around the venue. The next time the printer runs out of ink or a wheel’s loose on the chair in the conference room, a member can pull out their phone and send you a simple report to alert you to what needs to get fixed. Keep your eyes peeled for a more detailed blog post next week.

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